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The art is amazing! The writing is beautiful! Everything is so good!!!


TotK is a big hit and I knew I had to re-find this comic. Glad I located it and was able to get it!


dunno what half the people in the comments are talking about tbh. this fanzine fucks severely! much love to all collaborators, this was a treat to read through. :)

Deleted 294 days ago

fuck you


Beyond annoying to see that the homophobic dudebros got to the comments of this wonderful zine. These all made me feel so happy and fluffy! Everyone did wonderful work.


Zelda is the princess. Link ist the warrior! The correct name is: The Gay Link. xD But it is an funny idea.


watefak, zelda sin derechos? tremendo




why just why


Fluffy and sweet like marshmallows and I love it. So. Much.


This is why I respect the LGBTQ+ community and etc. They have the balls to express themselves among others and create such horrors to the homophobic eye. But in my eyes, this is a beauty. Not a horror of a creation! and if people have a problem with gays, well, they can go and suck a shipping boat of dicks, and BITE MY SHINY METAL ASS! (Futurama reference there ;))


Bender, not in front of the children!




FRONT OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lel the name i didnt read but it caught my eye


i love your artstyle so much<3<3 can i ask you if i can to traslate it to spanish crediting you? sorry for my bad english

(1 edit) (+5)

I adored it! All the art is wonderful and the stories make my little gay heart go ':)'


I loved ti! Why couldn't Twighlight princess have ended that way!? 






Is this another SidonxLink thing?


I love it <3


Wonderful zine full of thoughtful comics! Thanks so much for sharing!


go fucking outside man. 2